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Multinational corporations

Attracting the world's best international businesses and conglomerates to Dubai.

Attracting the world's best international businesses and conglomerates to Dubai.


of top regional CEOs of global firms are based in the UAE

In top 10

most competitive economies in the world in 2023

Benefits for global companies in Dubai

The agile and resilient business ecosystem offers numerous unique advantages to multinational corporations in Dubai, including specially designated lower tax options and the opportunity to list on the Dubai Financial Markets (DFM). Dubai is also a top venture capital and FDI destination, offering a range of corporate support mechanisms through a dynamic network of angels, accelerators and the region’s largest concentration of venture capitalists.

More than 20 business-first free zones provide advantages tailored to specific industries, from 100% foreign ownership, business set-up, licensing and visa assistance, to regulatory and legal support, access to ports and logistics facilities, and flexibility in working models. 

These include Dubai Internet City, which caters to technology and ICT-related businesses; the Dubai Multi Commodities Centre (DMCC), focused on facilitating trade across a range of commodities; and Dubai International Financial Centre (DIFC), with its business-led ecosystem under a common law English framework that offers familiarity and stability to MNCs.

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