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Grow your business

Tax and government incentives that support businesses

Wed, October 21, 2020

By adopting international best practices, introducing tax incentives and robust regulatory and legal frameworks, Dubai has become an attractive business destination for start-ups and multinationals.

By adopting international best practices, introducing tax incentives and robust regulatory and legal frameworks, Dubai has become an attractive business destination for start-ups and multinationals.

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For doing business

Dubai is ranked first for ease of doing business in the Middle East & North Africa

Source: World Bank’s Doing Business 2020 report



There is no corporate and personal income tax levied in Dubai-based free zones

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for FDI

Dubai is the largest recipient of FDI in the Middle East

Dubai free zones
Dubai's specialist business districts and free zones cater to unique needs of every business sector and provide regulatory framework in line with international standards.
Find your business district

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